
Government Resources

  • Pôle emploi

    This is the French government agency responsible for providing support and assistance to job seekers, including those who have been made redundant or laid off.

  • Agefiph

    This organization provides support and resources for individuals with disabilities who are seeking employment.

  • Transitions Pro Île-de-France

    This organization provides training and development opportunities for individuals seeking new employment in the Paris area.

  • Code du travail

    This webpage provides help in understanding which type of redundancy you are and what help you can get.

  • Droit travail France

    This organization helps you to know your rights and social protections and find a lawyer or professional training.

Financial Assistance

Pôle emploi

This is the French government agency responsible for providing support and assistance to job seekers, including those who have been made redundant or laid off.

Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF)

This organization provides financial assistance to families, including support for individuals who have lost their jobs.


This organization provides financial support for individuals who have lost their jobs, including unemployment benefits.

Banque de France

This organization provides financial information and resources, including information on debt management and financial assistance programs.

Association d’aide aux victimes de licenciement

This organization was created to guide and give all the information about the dismissal procedure and your rights regarding severance pay.

Indemnité URSSAF

This organization provides financial information and resources, including information on debt management and financial assistance programs.

Secours Catholique

This organization provides financial assistance and support for individuals in need, including those who have lost their jobs.

Mental Health Resources

Anxious As Anything

A friendly site (us!) to assist with all your mental health needs.

Check us out.

SPF Santé mentale

This organization provides information and resources on mental health, including information on treatment options and a directory of mental health professionals.


This government website provides a directory of experienced partner psychologists selected on their professional experience.

S.O.S. Amitié

This organization provides a confidential listening and support service for people in emotional distress.

3114 Souffrance prévention du suicide

This organization provides a confidential listening and support service for people who have suicidal thoughts.